Thursday, October 21, 2010

Haze In Singapore Latest NEA PSI Index Level Reading Weather Forecast National Environment Agency Nea.Gov.Sg Hong Kong Sumatra Fires

The latest PSI Index reading from Singapore NEA reached new level if 84 from the past 3 hours update 80.

The southern and western parts of Singpore are affected badly while all the central and other regions have moderate haze and air quality pollution.

The reading was an increase which remained 56 initially which went on for 78 after 24 hours and 80 three hours before according to the National Environment Agency (NEA).

Malaysia is also affected but the level is quite low considered Singapore where more than 200 schools announced leave for the day.

Asthma, bronchitis and allergic conjunctivitis cases likely to increase because of the irritants in the air though the PSI is not in alarming level. Public is advised not to go out if the PSI reading reaches Read more...

tags: haze, haze in singapore, haze singapore, national environment agency, nea, nea psi, nea singapore, nea weather, nea weather forecast,, psi, psi index, psi index singapore, psi level, psi reading, psi reading singapore, psi singapore, singapore psi, singapore psi index, weather forecast hong kong, weather forecast singapore

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