Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bukit Panjang Slashing 369 Gang Singapore Pak Hai Tong Huang

Another attack-run gang slashing incident which resulted in severe injuries to six students surfaced Singapore. Around 10 PM Monday night, 7 youngsters were carrying knives started slashing at Bukit Panjang.

Reports state that they were shouting 369. They first went to Block 418 where attacked a 20 years old Indian and then moved angrily to a basketball court near Greenridge Shopping Centre Block 524A along Fajar Rd.

Just a 400 meters away they again attacked students playing in the ground asking whether they are members of Pak Hai Tong. It is another secret group.

A 18 years old victim student Mr Huang

tags: bukit panjang slashing, 369 gang, 369 singapore, 369, fong hong san, jeremy menez, Pak Hai Tong, Huang

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